The Wilier Journal [EN] - A collection of stories and emotions.

The bike, the medicine of the future

Written by Wilier | Apr 16, 2020 1:38:00 PM

The spread of COVID-19 has suddenly triggered numerous debates on the very rapid spread of the pandemic and the enormous difficulties in managing the emergency.
One of these possible aspects concerns prevention of the disease, but not related exclusively to the development of a vaccine, rather to the adoption of a more balanced lifestyle that can make us much less vulnerable to any disease and, therefore, even more resistant to viruses–like COVID-19–that attack the respiratory system.

Some important specialists are making statements like this:

“Physical activity in general reduces the risk of infections, as demonstrated in normal flu,” or “exercise is critical to a properly functioning immune system that, in the light of the Coronavirus experience, we will now have to try to maintain”.

Once the lockdown is lifted, what is clear is that one of the many needs that will arise will be what doctors call “self-protection”, to make our body much more resistant to pathogens.

Every sports medicine expert pays particular attention to the bicycle, which “guarantees the best self protection, since cyclists’ lungs are stronger, better ventilated and able to withstand the possible stresses of a respiratory disease. At the same time, cycling offers cyclists the best and most correct exposure to sunlight: the best catalyst for the production of vitamin D3, which seems to have improved control of COVID-19”.

Therefore, the bicycle once again helps improve quality of life: it’s medicine that’s easy to take, offers endless fun, helps us explore new horizons and, above all, has no contra-indications.