“Hi, I’m Wiebke, and 14 months ago I left home to start the biggest adventure of my life.”
If you followed Wiebke's incredible journey to the Cape of Good Hope, this phrase will certainly be familiar to you.
Imagine leaving home without a set return date, not knowing who you'll be when you come back. Because certain journeys have the power to transform you, to reveal new horizons, and to make you discover sides of yourself you didn't know existed.
What drives a person to leave the comfort of home to face over 20,000 kilometers, crossing 22 countries in 14 months by bicycle? Wiebke's story is a testament to an insatiable thirst for discovery, a desire to push beyond, one horizon after another.
For Wiebke, the goal wasn't to set a record, but to explore the world: "The journey is the destination," she continues to repeat in every interview.
This journey was a deeply transformative experience. A journey filled with challenges, difficult moments, cultural contrasts, big cities, and remote villages in the heart of Africa.
A journey about chasing horizons.
Reaching the Cape of Good Hope was like fulfilling a dream, something Wiebke will always carry in her heart. "The milestone of 15,000 kilometers in southern Congo became a turning point," she says, "I felt empty and was unsure if I should continue. After 10 days of rest and reflection, I rediscovered my motivation and continued the last 5,000 kilometers. The final stretch through Angola, Namibia, and South Africa brought new energy. Spectacular landscapes, wildlife, and the support of friends who joined along the way added joy to the final chapters. The last 100 kilometers to the Cape of Good Hope flew by."
L'esperienza di Wiebke evidenzia l'importanza di viaggiare con rispetto verso l'ambiente e le culture locali, promuovendo un turismo responsabile e sostenibile. Questo approccio non solo arricchisce il viaggiatore, ma contribuisce anche preservare e valorizzare il patrimonio umano e naturale dei luoghi visitati.
Quando ho raggiunto Wiebke al telefono le ho chiesto come ci si prepara per una avventura di questa portata.
"Non sei mai veramente pronto. L'importante è partire."
Ed è così che è andata. In sella alla sua Wilier Adlar, carica di tutto il necessario, Wiebke ha pedalato attraverso continenti, abbracciando le sfide del viaggio, la gentilezza degli sconosciuti e la maestosità della natura. Arrivata a Città del Capo, ha portato nel cuore un mondo di storie e un sogno realizzato.
Wiebke's experience highlights the importance of traveling respectfully towards the environment and local cultures, promoting responsible and sustainable tourism. This approach not only enriches the traveler but also helps preserve and enhance the human and natural heritage of the places visited.
When I reached Wiebke on the phone, I asked her how one prepares for such a grand adventure. "You're never really ready. The important thing is to start."
And that's how it went. Atop her Wilier Adlar, loaded with everything she needed, Wiebke pedaled across continents, embracing the challenges of the journey, the kindness of strangers, and the majesty of nature. Arriving in Cape Town, she carried in her heart a world of stories and a dream realized.
Wiebke's desire for exploration is as strong as her bond with her family.
"The plan was to return before Christmas, to be with my family, my brothers and sisters, my nephews."
Wiebke doesn't shy away from life, but chases it on two wheels, thirsty for adventure. Her roots are firmly planted in Freiburg, but her desire to explore will always lead her to chase new horizons.
Data, facts, and figures:
Distance: 20,150 km
Bicycle: Wilier Adlar custom built
Weight of bicycle, luggage, food, and drinks: about 30 kg
Altitude gain: 136,000 meters
Countries crossed: 22
Days traveling: 430
Days cycling: 283
Days resting/sick/organizing: 147
Total cycling time: 1152 hours
Average cycling time per day: 4 hours
Average km per day: 71
Distance traveled by bus/hitchhiking: about 1000 km